No nursing programs want me. I am surprised that I remain relatively unruffled despite this rejection. While I admittedly have no idea what I am going to do if I am not a nurse, I think another part of me is relieved. Yeah, I wanted to be a nurse like the coyote wanted the roadrunner, but even as I kid I got sick of that stupid coyote and his futile attempts at catching that speedy little bastard. Maybe it was my short attention span, but even the variations in weaponry could not keep me interested. Anvil? TNT? Who the hell cared? We all knew it wasn't gonna happen - that it was a lost cause. Call me a pessimist, but I feel like the coyote. Except that I recognize that I need to move on.
I talked to my dad before I got the rejection letter from the school that I really wanted to attend. I threw out a couple of ideas about what I could do for the next year if I wasn't accepted. Despite the fact that I questioned that he really had any idea who he was talking to when he asked me if I was interested in computers or business, it was a pretty good talk. He gave me some of the BEST advice he has ever given me. According to him, I can't screw up before I am thirty. I guess if you are still a loser when you are thirty it just sticks because you have been one so long that you don't know anything else. That gives me about seven and a half years of freedom, which is quite possibly the most liberating feeling that I have had in months. My new goal is to make something out of myself before my thirtieth birthday. Or maybe even just find some direction, because making something out of myself sounds like a lot of work, and I am a notorious underachiever. Maybe that explains my mediocre grades, and thus my rejection from nursing. I can attack three seasons of Entourage with gusto, but I cannot seem to summon the necessary ambition to memorize the cranial nerves or the effects of selenium deficiency on the body.
And so my path of self discovery begins. Hopefully, my path will require multiple visas. This medical Mecca of a town isn't so appealing when you might have other interests. Especially if those interests include meeting some people who aren't so white and so republican. The only definite plan that I have right now is to go to Africa in July, which is why I started this blog. That way people can keep tabs on me while I am on the opposite side of the world. After that... who knows? But for right now I am going to start trying to figure out some stuff so I don't have so much work to do the night before my thirtieth birthday.
The finale coyote/roadrunner saga is certainly won by the coyote!!!! If there was ever a person that should be a is you!!! Don't think for a minute that you have not won the battle. Apply to every school before you leave, so you have many "irons in the fire"!!! Maybe you should go to school overseas and come back and take boards? Is that an option? Post some pictures!!
You know Ann, I think that it is more of a Sylvester and Tweety scenario. Here's why- you think you want a cute little canary, but it turns out that that little bird really sucks (just like nursing school)! Think about it, the only thing canaries are good for is telling if there is any oxygen left in the mine. Who really wants a teeny-weeny, yellow and obnoxious bird for supper? NOT YOU! Don't worry, my dear, you'll soon find a much better bird- a turkey perhaps-- and this one you'll catch and be much happier with cause it will fill your belly.
Oh Jen, such wise advise, although, if she gets the turkey her belly will for sure be full, and what happens when you eat turkey???? Laziness!!!! Dangle a carrot in front of horse and see what happens!!!! ACTION! This baby step of nursng school is just that....a lure you to other careers and adventures that only nursing can bring you! Don't give up ANNIE!
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